Let me start by saying, no we are not expecting another baby in the near future. There that should take care of any hopes and dreams for all you grandparents out there. I would just like to chronicle Eli's baby story so I don't forget. As if!
So without further ado here's...Elijah Alvin Worner. Oh, and be forewarned, there will probably be a LOT of pictures in this post. I just can't help myself.
Isn't he just the sweetest, cutest most adorable baby born on June 3, 2007 at 1:49 in the morning? Even from the beginning he was ready for pictures. I will say over the years his opinion of pictures has changed (I'll show you later what I mean).
This had to be one of the easiest pregnancies ever! I had no problems and no sickness, my only difficulty was gaining weight. Imagine that (by the way this is not a difficulty nowadays). At my last doctors appointment it was determined that Eli was in the breach position so we scheduled a c-section for the next week. I have to say that I was a little disappointed that I had to have a c-section, but at that point there wasn't really any other options.
Here we are the morning of "delivery." I think we got up at 3:30 just so we could be at the hospital by 5 AM. I would just like to point out that out of the 18 pounds I gained, I'm pretty sure that 11 of these settled in my face. Talk about puffy!
Once we arrived at the hospital and got all checked in I was wheeled up to triage to be tortured with needles by the nurses. After having 2 veins blow they brought in an anesthesiologist and lickidy split she had my IV in. After this round of torture I remembered Dr. Esper saying, "make sure they do an ultrasound to make sure the baby hasn't moved." DUH!
I wish I had thought of this before all of the poking because I could have saved us some time and pain seeing as our little rascal flipped on his own! Thank the Lord! When Dr. Esper arrived she came to see us immediately to tell us that there would be no c-section, but guess what "you're in labor." Apparently I had been in labor all week, but just didn't realize what it was. I guess I should have read more books. Oh well, maybe next time.
Since I was in labor but the doctor on call was my least favorite, Dr. Esper suggested I go home and walk my toes off then come back the next day when she was on call. Did I mention that Dr. Esper is the best doctor ever? I totally love her (she also delivered my cute little nephew Jacob six months after Eli). So that's what we did.
While we were in triage my grandparents (who live and hour and a half away no less) arrived. How cool was that? They had driven up the night before just so they could be there when Eli was born! My Grandma and Papa rule! Since they were here and we were leaving we got to grab breakfast together. After that we hit the mall to start our marathon.
Long story longer... I know I can blather on sometimes, but bear with me.
Next day we went to the hospital around 1 o'clock after running errands all morning. Once we settled back into to triage my blood pressure dropped drastically and that was that. We would be stuck in the bed for the rest of the day. Do you want to know what I said to that..."epidural now please." That's right I went for the drugs early. Best decision ever.
From the time we were admitted at 1 PM I didn't start pushing until around 1 AM. When we reached what I like to call "go time" B and my mom stayed with me to help hold my legs up. Kind of hard to do this on your own, when you can't feel a darn thing. So anyway push, push, push and nothing happened. After pushing for about 45 minutes, Dr. Esper said that if she couldn't get Eli out with the vacuum then she would have to do a c-section. AAHHHGGG! So I pushed like a champion and Dr. Esper vacuumed the little fellow right out. Yeah! Eli came out weighing 6 pounds 12 ounces.
And there you have it the story of Eli, not to be confused with the Book of Eli (there was way more blood in the movie).
Now if you lasted through this whole post I'll reward you with some of my favorite pictures. I will say that when you have a picture taking problem like I do, it makes it very hard to pick out my favorites from over 3,000 shots! Just saying.
Eli at 6 days
Eli at 6 weeks

Eli at 5 months

Eli's 1st Birthday

Eli's 2nd Birthday

Eli's 3rd Birthday

And proof that he's not crazy about having his picture taken anymore!