So my goals for this new year is to be more consistent with all my projects (blogging, building, painting, picture taking and sewing just to name a few).
Let me start off with a project I have been working on.....

Isn't she beee-you-tee-ful. I found this little gem on Craigslist for a grand total of forty bucks! Unbelievable!
I had been looking for something similar to this for a while, and every time I would find a piece I liked it was way more money than I wanted to spend (did I mention I'm a tight wad). Needless to say when I came across the listing I jumped on it so fast it made B's head spin.
After some cajoling on my part, B agreed to go with me to pick it up (i.e. do the heavy lifting). So it turned out there was a little damage to the sides of the china hutch and it could use a little extra support but still for only forty buckaroos it was a no brainer. She was going home with us! Yay!
B came up with the bright idea to cover the sides with bead board (a personal favorite of mine), and fix the bottom support for the legs. Simple as that and she was ready to paint. I broke out all my materials and went to work right away.

I got everything done, but I forgot to finish the drawer. So she sat this way for several months because I get easily side-tracked.
But today, yes today I FINISHED A PROJECT! Please someone pat me on the back, or I'm going to start tooting my horn to everyone I see and talk to.
After I painted the drawer, I gave her a quick sanding and scuffed up the edges nicely. Then I broke out the glaze. This was my first time using a glaze and I'm happy to say it was easier than I anticipated.
Now after months of sitting half finished here is what she looks like today.

"Isn't she lovely. Isn't she wonderful. Isn't she precious. Less than one minute old." Sorry, sometimes I just break into song, but Stevie nails how I feel after I complete a project.
Here's an upclose on the drawer pulls. Don't you love the vintage girly look of them?
So is the start to a new year, and a new post!
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