Friday, September 24, 2010

Where in the World Have We Been?

Okay, so I've done it again. I got sidetracked with life again and forgot to blog about it. Blogger FAIL!!!

I'll catch you up on the last few weeks......

For Labor Day weekend we packed up the car and traveled up to Kentucky. Needless to say it started out with some drama but we had a nice time.

Eli was able to play with some cousins he doesn't get to see very often.

He had a blast with these two knuckle-brains! They ran around, taught him baseball and pulled him along in the wagon. Well, when he would let them.

Then we went down to Dinosaur World at Cave City. Now when we told Eli where we were going he told us he didn't like dinosaurs.

Then when we pulled into the parking lot he looked at us with big eyes and said "I fhwat I didn't wike dinosaurs, but I fwink I do now!"

Eli got to dig for fossils and check out all kinds of huge dinosaurs!

I don't know who had more fun, Eli and Sassy running around the park or Bubs' and I reading about all the different dinos.

I have notice a pattern when we go to Tucky (that's what Eli calls it). This little boy runs so hard all day long that he actually takes a nap. I know what you're thinking, naps are normal for 3 year olds right. WRONG! Well they are in Kentucky! Woohoo!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

I wear my sunglasses at night!

Now google these lyrics, watch the video and I guarantee this song will be stuck in your head all day!

Trust me. It's been stuck in my head since Saturday night. Thanks Shell-Pie, really I mean it.

Now I gotta go because I can't type my blog and sing the song at the same time. See ya!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Speaking of Christian Laettner...

Did I say he was an avid fan, because I meant RABID!!!

Last night as I was typing my post, I innocently asked Bubbalicious "how do you spell Christian Laettner?" His response, which included the stink eye, was less than helpful and I'm pretty sure he silently cussed me out! The nerve!


Next time I think I'll stick with google.

Monday, August 9, 2010

An Avid Fan

On Saturday Bubbalicious and this fella played a round of golf. It was hot and they ended up stinky and sweaty. Since they came back with LBSCSDO we had to act fast and get some food in their bellys.

In order to do this quickly it was decided that Bubbalicious would borrow some clean clothes from Jase-Pie (that's right, he belongs to Shell-Pie).

Anywho, like myself Jase-Pie is a bit of a jokester, and since B-licious was at his mercy this was the perfect opportunity to have some fun.

For those who know Bubbalicious, you know he is a huge University of Kentucky fan. He absolutely hates Duke. I can just mention Christian Laettner's name and he gets a really mean glint in his eyes. That being said Jase-Pie let my man borrow this shirt.....

Thank goodness he has such a good sense of humor!!!!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Sew Fantastic!

This is Michelle, otherwise known as Shell-Pie, my BFF. Yesterday we spent the day shopping, eating and learning. Shell-Pie taught me how to sew!!!!!

Yeah, I know this looks a little dated, but gimme a break. It's the cutest picture I could find of us. You don't expect me to post a wacky pic do you?

So I recently bought some material from Joann's because I wanted to change the curtains in our living room. Seeing as I'm picky about my home decorating, I couldn't find just the right curtains, so I decided to make my own. Keep in mind that I decided to make my own curtains before I even thought about learning how to sew. I was feeling very confident.

I thought about sewing these by hand, but Shell-Pie saved me many needle pricks and taught me the basics.

"Measure twice, cut once." Shell Pie's quote of the day.

Then we got down to the nitty gritty and started sewing my curtains!

As I was toiling away Shell-Pie was working on her own creations. She made these two cut little dish towels

and this super funky throw pillow.

I'll post a pic of the curtains hanging soon so you can see how fantastic they look. I couldn't have done them without Shell-Pie's help. I am SEW thankful for her help and am so blessed to have her as my friend.

That being said...

I couldn't help myself!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Aunt Makeover

Tonight I changed my name for this little girl. I became Aunt Makeover!

She requested my beauty services/expertise for her spa party/sleepover.

I applied lots of make-up, and sprayed lots of hairspray, but purty is purty no matter how much eye shadow or glitter you use!

Then I took this picture and it reminded me of my girls.

I am truly blessed to have these girls in my life after all these years!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Take The Bull By The Horns

On an uncharacteristically warm day back in December, we (I use the term loosely) decided it was a good day to round up the cows for sorting. Me being the helpful wife that I am, kindly offered my expert services (insert sarcasm here). They being very, very desperate graciously accepted my offer.

Now we only had about 30 cows and calves, so it wasn’t like there was a huge herd to deal with. Not a problem. Right? Famous last words.

With just the three us, Alvin devised a plan to use all the work trucks to block off the way into the back pasture. My job was simple. Stand at the opening and if any cows came at me just try to shoo them back in the right direction. Also being the highly prepared person that I am, I grabbed a large stick for “just in case.” Bada bing and I’m ready.

So the men folk herd the cows toward the corral and I simply stayed out of the way. During this first grouping the cows split and half went into the corral and the other half tucked tail and darted back the other way. At this point I’m still on track with my job, and feeling pretty comfortable being a “cowgirl.”

As I’m sitting here twiddling my thumbs I hear the sound of bovines thundering around the bend. Ok, here we go again. This time all the remaining cows get smart and trample into the corral. That is except for one little half deer/half crazy bull. I mean seriously he jumped the fence like it was nothing. This should have been a sign that things had taken a turn for the worse.

With this in mind, I decided that my little twig (because that what it looked like compared to this 1000lb bull) should be upgraded. And low and behold there on the ground about five feet away was an old broken gate. Just what I needed, a little metal courage. At this point I felt like I was ready to take this bull by the horns, so to speak.

After a little waiting I hear crashing through the woods and all kinds of hooting and hollering so I assume the position, squatting behind the truck so that I don’t spook this psychotic bull. Keep in mind I was told not, NOT to let any bovine creatures by me into the open pasture. Well I’m nothing if not a good listener.

Staying down in my bent position I couldn’t see what all was going on but I hear the rumble of his hooves and the boys start yelling at me so I assume it’s time for my precision cow guiding. I jump out ready, willing and oh my goodness he’s headed right at me! AAAHGHGHGHGHGH. Fight or flight? Fight or flight? Definitely FLIGHT!!!! I throw my metal courage down, find a dead end after I back pedal my way into the wheel well of the truck and barely turn when this mammoth bull taps my backside. The scent of freedom is enough temptation for him to decide “she’s not worth it” and take off for the open pasture. Whew, close call.

"What are you looking at dummy?"

By the time I composed myself (i.e. stopped laughing at my idiocy) Bubbalicious and Alvin made there way over to me. Apparently my shriek of fear alarmed them a little (understatement). It turns out they were yelling at me, but not for what I thought. They were yelling for me to stay out of his way, because all the hollering I heard just before my one-bull stampede was Bubbalicious jumping behind the tree and Alvin taking a flying leap into the briar patch. Ooppsssiee daisy!

Needless to say our precision team work (again sarcasm) got the job done for the most part, but I did learn a very valuable lesson. Don’t wear shoes that you really like. Cow poop just doesn’t come out of some things.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

We're Baaaccckkkk!!!

Ok, I know what you're thinking. This nut-job starts a blog, gets you interested with super cute pictures of her boy, then she leaves you high and dry!

I'm sorry okay. I didn't mean to. Really. I've just been busy. I know, I know that sounds like an excuse. You're busy too, you've got a life, I get it. I need to make it up to you. Well check these out....

(takes after his daddy!)

(nope, that's definitely his mama)

It's shameless, but how can you not forgive me when I post pictures like this. It'll guarantee you keep coming back. I'm so sneaky!

Well don't worry I'll be back tomorrow with a super funny cow story. Trust me it's a doozie. You don't want to miss it.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

The Dirt Starts Here....

Sounds a little gossipy right? Well it’s not intended to be because I would never gossip about anyone or anything (you can’t see me, but I said that with a straight face!). Seriously though I thought this would be a great way to journal our life and after a much-debated name search this is what we ended up with.

So let me explain how I chose my name. See my boy Eli, (otherwise affectionately known as Mud Bug), he LOVES dirt! LOVES IT!!!!

Eli will spend hours on end playing in the garden

or his sand box

or on the job with his daddy! I don’t know that any thing can compare to playing in the dirt for my monster.

Now that I’ve explained you’re feeling guilty for judging me a gossip aren’t you? It’s okay, I totally forgive you (because I’ll tell you a little secret….I am…a little…but just a little gossipy).

So I’ll end it here for now, but ya’ll come back now, ya hear!